
Euphonic is a Python package that can efficiently calculate phonon bandstructures and inelastic neutron scattering intensities from a force constants matrix (e.g. from a .castep_bin file). Euphonic can also do simple plotting, and can plot dispersion and density of states from precalculated phonon frequencies (e.g. CASTEP .bands or .phonon).

For more information, see the tutorials



To do plotting, you will also have to install the optional Matplotlib dependency alongside Euphonic:

pip install euphonic[matplotlib]

If you only need the core calculations (no plotting) just use:

pip install euphonic


To get the latest unreleased version, clone the Git repository at and cd into the top directory containing the script. To install with the optional Matplotlib dependency use:

pip install .[matplotlib]

If you only require the interpolation functionality, and don’t need any of the Matplotlib plotting routines just use:

pip install .

Installing the C extension (optional)

Euphonic has an optional C extension, which can lead to increased performance and enable use of multiple cores when interpolating phonons. By default Euphonic will attempt to install this extension, but will print a warning and fall back to the pure Python version if this fails. To determine if the C extension is installing properly and investigate any problems, it is best to increase pip’s verbosity:

pip install -vvv euphonic


On Windows, the C extension can be compiled with the Microsoft Visual Studio Compiler, which can be downloaded with Visual Studio. If downloaded to a standard location your command line software may pick it up automatically, or you may need to manually add the compiler executable (cl.exe) to your path. The Euphonic extension should then be installed automatically when using the same pip commands as above.


You should have a version of gcc on your path (currently tested with 4.8.5). If gcc can be found the Euphonic extension will be automatically installed when using the same pip commands as above.