Density of States

DOS representation in Euphonic

Density of states in Euphonic is represented by a generic Spectrum1D object. If there are multiple DOS with the same energy bins (e.g. per-element partial DOS and total DOS) they can be contained in a Spectrum1DCollection object. PDOS can be labelled with the metadata attributes, e.g. for a Spectrum1D object:

>>> si_pdos.metadata
{'label': 'Si'}

Or, for a Spectrum1DCollection object:

>>> all_dos.metadata
{'line_data': [{'label': 'Total'}, {'label': 'O'}, {'label': 'Si'}]}

See the Spectrum1D or Spectrum1DCollection documentation for further information on processing and plotting.

Reading DOS

DOS can be read from a CASTEP .phonon_dos file using Spectrum1D.from_castep_phonon_dos or Spectrum1DCollection.from_castep_phonon_dos. The Spectrum1D version will return either the total DOS or a specific PDOS from the file, which can be specified with the element argument. The Spectrum1DCollection version will read both the total DOS and per-element PDOS. Each DOS is labelled by the Spectrum1DCollection.metadata attribute. An example is shown below.

from euphonic import Spectrum1D, Spectrum1DCollection

# Read total DOS
dos_total = Spectrum1D.from_castep_phonon_dos('quartz-151512.phonon_dos')

# Read Silicon PDOS
dos_si = Spectrum1D.from_castep_phonon_dos('quartz-151512.phonon_dos', element='Si')

# Read all DOS and PDOS
dos_all = Spectrum1DCollection.from_castep_phonon_dos('quartz-151512.phonon_dos')
# View DOS labels

Calculating DOS

Density of states can be calculated for any Euphonic object containing frequencies using its calculate_dos method. This requires an array of energy bin edges, with the units specified by wrapping it as a pint.Quantity (see Units for details). This function returns a generic Spectrum1D object. For example, using QpointFrequencies.calculate_dos.

from euphonic import ureg, QpointFrequencies
import numpy as np

phonons = QpointFrequencies.from_castep('quartz.phonon')

# Create an array of energy bins 0 - 100 in meV
energy_bins = np.arange(0, 101, 1)*ureg('meV')

# Calculate dos
dos = phonons.calculate_dos(energy_bins)

Adaptive Broadening

Adaptive broadening can also be enabled to get a more accurate DOS than with standard fixed width broadening. In this scheme each mode at each q-point is broadened individually with a specific width. These mode widths are derived from the mode gradients, and the mode gradients can be calculated at the same time as the phonon frequencies and eigenvectors, by passing return_mode_gradients=True to ForceConstants.calculate_qpoint_phonon_modes or ForceConstants.calculate_qpoint_frequencies. The mode widths can be estimated from the mode gradients using euphonic.util.mode_gradients_to_widths. These widths can then be passed to calculate_dos through the mode_widths keyword argument. An example is shown below.

from euphonic import ureg, ForceConstants
from euphonic.util import mp_grid, mode_gradients_to_widths
import numpy as np

fc = ForceConstants.from_castep('quartz.castep_bin')
phonons, mode_grads = fc.calculate_qpoint_frequencies(
    mp_grid([5, 5, 4]),
mode_widths = mode_gradients_to_widths(mode_grads, fc.crystal.cell_vectors)

energy_bins = np.arange(0, 166, 0.1)*ureg('meV')
adaptive_dos = phonons.calculate_dos(energy_bins, mode_widths=mode_widths)