
These are generic objects for storing 1D/2D spectra e.g. density of states or S(Q,w) maps.


All spectra objects have a metadata attribute. By default it is an empty dictionary, but it can contain keys/values to help describe the contained spectra. The keys should be strings and values should be only strings or integers. Note there are some special ‘functional’ keys, see the metadata docstring below for each specific spectrum class for details.


Adding Spectrum1D

Two Spectrum1D objects can be added together (provided they have the same x_data axes) with the + operator. This will add their y_data and return a single Spectrum1D. Note that any metadata key/value pairs that aren’t common to both spectra will be omitted from the new object. For example:

from euphonic import Spectrum1D

pdos_si = Spectrum1D.from_json_file('si_pdos.json')
pdos_o = Spectrum1D.from_json_file('o_pdos.json')
total_dos = pdos_si + pdos_o


A 1D spectrum can be broadened using Spectrum1D.broaden, which broadens along the x-axis and returns a new Spectrum1D object. It can broaden with either a Gaussian or Lorentzian and requires a broadening FWHM in the same type of units as x_data. For example:

from euphonic import ureg, Spectrum1D

dos = Spectrum1D.from_json_file('dos.json')
fwhm = 1.5*ureg('meV')
dos_broaden = dos.broaden(fwhm, shape='lorentz')


class Spectrum1D(x_data, y_data, x_tick_labels=None, metadata=None)

For storing generic 1D spectra e.g. density of states

  • x_data – Shape (n_x_data,) or (n_x_data + 1,) float Quantity. The x_data points (if size == (n_x_data,)) or x_data bin edges (if size == (n_x_data + 1,))

  • y_data – Shape (n_x_data,) float Quantity. The plot data in y

  • x_tick_labels – Sequence[Tuple[int, str]] or None. Special tick labels e.g. for high-symmetry points. The int refers to the index in x_data the label should be applied to

  • metadata

    Dict[str, Union[int, str]]. Contains metadata about the spectrum. Keys should be strings and values should be strings or integers There are some functional keys:

    • ’label’ : str. This is used label lines on a 1D plot

__init__(x_data, y_data, x_tick_labels=None, metadata=None)
  • x_data (Quantity) – Shape (n_x_data,) or (n_x_data + 1,) float Quantity. The x_data points (if size == (n_x_data,)) or x_data bin edges (if size == (n_x_data + 1,))

  • y_data (Quantity) – Shape (n_x_data,) float Quantity. The plot data in y

  • x_tick_labels (Optional[Sequence[Tuple[int, str]]]) – Special tick labels e.g. for high-symmetry points. The int refers to the index in x_data the label should be applied to

  • metadata (Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, str]]]) –

    Contains metadata about the spectrum. Keys should be strings and values should be strings or integers There are some functional keys:

    • ’label’ : str. This is used label lines on a 1D plot


Convert to a dictionary. See Spectrum1D.from_dict for details on keys/values

Return type

Dict[str, Any]



to_text_file(filename, fmt=None)

Write to a text file. The header contains metadata and unit information, the first column contains x_data and the second column contains y_data. Note that text files written in this format cannot be read back in by Euphonic.

  • filename (str) – Name of the text file to write to

  • fmt (Union[str, Sequence[str], None]) – A format specifier or sequence of specifiers (one for each column), to be passed to numpy.savetxt

Return type


classmethod from_dict(d)

Convert a dictionary to a Spectrum1D object


d (Dict[str, Any]) –

A dictionary with the following keys/values:

  • ’x_data’: (n_x_data,) or (n_x_data + 1,) float ndarray

  • ’x_data_unit’: str

  • ’y_data’: (n_x_data,) float ndarray

  • ’y_data_unit’: str

There are also the following optional keys:

  • ’x_tick_labels’: list of (int, string) tuples

  • ’metadata’: dict

Return type




classmethod from_castep_phonon_dos(filename, element=None)

Reads DOS from a CASTEP .phonon_dos file

  • filename (str) – The path and name of the .phonon_dos file to read

  • element (Optional[str]) – Which element’s PDOS to read. If not supplied reads the total DOS.

Return type


broaden(x_width, shape='gauss', method=None)

Broaden y_data and return a new broadened spectrum object

  • x_width (Quantity) – Scalar float Quantity. The broadening FWHM

  • shape (str) – One of {‘gauss’, ‘lorentz’}. The broadening shape

  • method (Optional[str]) – Can be None or ‘convolve’. Currently the only broadening method available is convolution with a broadening kernel, but this may not produce correct results for unequal bin widths. To use convolution anyway, explicitly set method=’convolve’

Return type



broadened_spectrum – A new Spectrum1D object with broadened y_data

  • ValueError – If shape is not one of the allowed strings

  • ValueError – If method is None and bins are not of equal size

classmethod from_json_file(filename)

Read from a JSON file. See from_dict for required fields


filename (str) – The file to read from

Return type



Get x-axis bin centres. If the size of x_data is the same size as y_data, x_data is assumed to contain bin centres, but if x_data is one element larger, x_data is assumed to contain bin edges and a conversion is made. In this conversion, the bin centres are assumed to be in the middle of each bin, which may not be an accurate assumption in the case of differently sized bins.

Return type



Get x-axis bin edges. If the size of x_data is one element larger than y_data, x_data is assumed to contain bin edges, but if x_data is the same size, x_data is assumed to contain bin centres and a conversion is made. In the conversion, the bin edges will not go outside the existing data bounds so the first and last bins may be half-size. In addition, each bin edge is assumed to be halfway between each bin centre, which may not be an accurate assumption in the case of differently sized bins.

Return type


split(indices=None, btol=None)

Split to multiple spectra

Data may be split by index. Alternatively, x-axis data may be split automatically by searching for unusually large gaps in energy values. These would usually correspond to disconnected special-points in a band-structure diagram.

  • indices (Union[Sequence[int], ndarray, None]) – positions in data of breakpoints

  • btol (Optional[float]) – parameter used to identify breakpoints. This is a ratio between the gap in values and the median gap between neighbouring x-values. If neither indices nor btol is specified, this is set to 10.0.

Return type



split_spectra – Separated spectrum regions. If passed to the appropriate functions in euphonic.plot this would be interpreted as a series of subplots.


Write to a JSON file. JSON fields are equivalent to from_dict keys


filename (str) – Name of the JSON file to write to

Return type



This is an object for storing multiple 1D spectra which share the same x-axis, e.g. bands in a dispersion plot.

From Spectrum1D

If you have multiple Spectrum1D objects with the same x_data, they can be grouped together into a Spectrum1DCollection object. For example:

from euphonic import Spectrum1D, Spectrum1DCollection

pdos_si = Spectrum1D.from_json_file('si_pdos.json')
pdos_o = Spectrum1D.from_json_file('o_pdos.json')

pdos_collection = Spectrum1DCollection.from_spectra([pdos_si, pdos_o])

Adding Spectrum1DCollection

Two Spectrum1DCollection objects can be added together (provided they have the same x_data axes) with the + operator. This will concatenate their y_data, returning a single Spectrum1DCollection that contains all the y_data of both objects. For example:

from euphonic import Spectrum1DCollection

coh_pdos = Spectrum1DCollection.from_json_file('coherent_pdos.json')
incoh_pdos = Spectrum1DCollection.from_json_file('incoherent_pdos.json')
all_pdos = coh_pdos + incoh_pdos


A Spectrum1DCollection can be indexed just like a list to obtain a specific spectrum as a Spectrum1D, or a subset of spectra as another Spectrum1DCollection, for example, to plot only specific spectra:

from euphonic import Spectrum1DCollection
from euphonic.plot import plot_1d

spec1d_col = Spectrum1DCollection.from_json_file('dos.json')
# Plot the 1st spectrum
spec1d_0 = spec1d_col[0]
fig1 = plot_1d(spec1d_0)

# Plot the 2nd - 5th spectra
spec1d_col_1_5 = spec1d_col[1:5]
fig2 = plot_1d(spec1d_col_1_5)


A collection of 1D spectra can also be broadened using Spectrum1DCollection.broaden, which broadens each spectrum individually, giving the same result as using Spectrum1D.broaden on each contained spectrum.

Grouping By Metadata

You can group and sum specific spectra from a Spectrum1DCollection based on their metadata using Spectrum1DCollection.group_by. For example, if you have a collection spec1d_col containing 8 spectra with the following metadata:

{'line_data': [
   {'index': 1, 'species': 'Si', 'weighting': 'coherent'},
   {'index': 2, 'species': 'Si', 'weighting': 'coherent'},
   {'index': 3, 'species': 'O', 'weighting': 'coherent'},
   {'index': 4, 'species': 'O', 'weighting': 'coherent'},
   {'index': 1, 'species': 'Si', 'weighting': 'incoherent'},
   {'index': 2, 'species': 'Si', 'weighting': 'incoherent'},
   {'index': 3, 'species': 'O', 'weighting': 'incoherent'},
   {'index': 4, 'species': 'O', 'weighting': 'incoherent'}]

If you want to group and sum spectra that have the same weighting:

weighting_pdos = spec1d_col.group_by('weighting')

This would produce a collection containing 2 spectra with the following metadata (the index and species metadata are not common across all the grouped spectra, so have been discarded):

{'line_data': [
   {'weighting': 'coherent'},
   {'weighting': 'incoherent'}]

You can also group by multiple keys, for example to group and sum spectra that have both the same weighting and species:

weighting_species_pdos = spec1d_col.group_by('weighting', 'species')

This would produce a collection containing 4 spectra with the following metadata:

{'line_data': [
   {'species': 'Si', 'weighting': 'coherent'},
   {'species': 'O', 'weighting': 'coherent'},
   {'species': 'Si', 'weighting': 'incoherent'},
   {'species': 'O', 'weighting': 'incoherent'}]

Selecting By Metadata

You can select specific spectra from a Spectrum1DCollection based on their metadata using Spectrum1DCollection.select. For example, if you have a collection spec1d_col containing 6 spectra with the following metadata:

{'line_data': [
   {'species': 'Si', 'weighting': 'coherent'},
   {'species': 'O', 'weighting': 'coherent'},
   {'species': 'Si', 'weighting': 'incoherent'},
   {'species': 'O', 'weighting': 'incoherent'},
   {'species': 'Si', 'weighting': 'coherent-plus-incoherent'},
   {'species': 'O', 'weighting': 'coherent-plus-incoherent'}]

If you want to select only the spectra where weighting='coherent':

coh_pdos = spec1d_col.select(weighting='coherent')

This would create a collection containing 2 spectra, with the following metadata:

{'line_data': [
   {'species': 'Si', 'weighting': 'coherent'},
   {'species': 'O', 'weighting': 'coherent'}]

You can also select multiple values for a specific key. To select spectra where weighting='coherent' or weighting='incoherent':

coh_or_incoh_pdos = spec1d_col.select(weighting=['coherent', 'incoherent'])

This would create a collection containing 4 spectra, with the following metadata:

{'line_data': [
   {'species': 'Si', 'weighting': 'coherent'},
   {'species': 'O', 'weighting': 'coherent'},
   {'species': 'Si', 'weighting': 'incoherent'},
   {'species': 'O', 'weighting': 'incoherent'}]

You can also select by multiple key/values. To select only the spectrum with weighting='coherent' and species='Si':

coh_si_pdos = spec1d_col.select(weighting='coherent', species='Si')

This would create a collection containing only one spectrum, with the following metadata:

{'species': 'Si', 'weighting': 'coherent'}

Summing Spectra

All spectra in a Spectrum1DCollection can be summed with Spectrum1DCollection.sum. This produces a single Spectrum1D object.


class Spectrum1DCollection(x_data, y_data, x_tick_labels=None, metadata=None)

A collection of Spectrum1D with common x_data and x_tick_labels

Intended for convenient storage of band structures, projected DOS etc. This object can be indexed or iterated to obtain individual Spectrum1D.

  • x_data – Shape (n_x_data,) or (n_x_data + 1,) float Quantity. The x_data points (if size == (n_x_data,)) or x_data bin edges (if size == (n_x_data + 1,))

  • y_data – Shape (n_entries, n_x_data) float Quantity. The plot data in y, in rows corresponding to separate 1D spectra

  • x_tick_labels – Sequence[Tuple[int, str]] or None. Special tick labels e.g. for high-symmetry points. The int refers to the index in x_data the label should be applied to

  • metadata

    Dict[str, Union[int, str, LineData]] or None. Contains metadata about the spectra. Keys should be strings and values should be strings or integers. There are some functional keys:

    • ’line_data’LineData

      This is a Sequence[Dict[str, Union[int, str]], it contains metadata for each spectrum in the collection, and must be of length n_entries

__init__(x_data, y_data, x_tick_labels=None, metadata=None)
  • x_data (Quantity) – Shape (n_x_data,) or (n_x_data + 1,) float Quantity. The x_data points (if size == (n_x_data,)) or x_data bin edges (if size == (n_x_data + 1,))

  • y_data (Quantity) – Shape (n_entries, n_x_data) float Quantity. The plot data in y, in rows corresponding to separate 1D spectra

  • x_tick_labels (Optional[Sequence[Tuple[int, str]]]) – Special tick labels e.g. for high-symmetry points. The int refers to the index in x_data the label should be applied to

  • metadata (Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, int, Sequence[Dict[str, Union[int, str]]]]]]) –

    Contains metadata about the spectra. Keys should be strings and values should be strings or integers. There are some functional keys:

    • ’line_data’LineData

      This is a Sequence[Dict[str, Union[int, str]], it contains metadata for each spectrum in the collection, and must be of length n_entries


Convert to a dictionary consistent with from_dict()

Return type

Dict[str, Any]



to_text_file(filename, fmt=None)

Write to a text file. The header contains metadata and unit information, the first column is x_data and each subsequent column is a y_data spectrum. Note that text files written in this format cannot be read back in by Euphonic.

  • filename (str) – Name of the text file to write to

  • fmt (Union[str, Sequence[str], None]) – A format specifier or sequence of specifiers (one for each column), to be passed to numpy.savetxt

Return type


classmethod from_dict(d)

Convert a dictionary to a Spectrum1DCollection object


d (dict) –

A dictionary with the following keys/values:

  • ’x_data’: (n_x_data,) or (n_x_data + 1,) float ndarray

  • ’x_data_unit’: str

  • ’y_data’: (n_x_data,) float ndarray

  • ’y_data_unit’: str

There are also the following optional keys:

  • ’x_tick_labels’: list of (int, string) tuples

  • ’metadata’: dict

Return type




classmethod from_castep_phonon_dos(filename)

Reads total DOS and per-element PDOS from a CASTEP .phonon_dos file


filename (str) – The path and name of the .phonon_dos file to read

Return type


broaden(x_width, shape='gauss', method=None)

Individually broaden each line in y_data, returning a new Spectrum1DCollection

  • x_width (Quantity) – Scalar float Quantity. The broadening FWHM

  • shape (str) – One of {‘gauss’, ‘lorentz’}. The broadening shape

  • method (Optional[str]) – Can be None or ‘convolve’. Currently the only broadening method available is convolution with a broadening kernel, but this may not produce correct results for unequal bin widths. To use convolution anyway, explicitly set method=’convolve’

Return type



broadened_spectrum – A new Spectrum1DCollection object with broadened y_data

  • ValueError – If shape is not one of the allowed strings

  • ValueError – If method is None and bins are not of equal size


Group and sum y_data for each spectrum according to the values mapped to the specified keys in metadata[‘line_data’]


line_data_keys (str) – The key(s) to group by. If only one line_data_key is supplied, if the value mapped to a key is the same for multiple spectra, they are placed in the same group and summed. If multiple line_data_keys are supplied, the values must be the same for all specified keys for them to be placed in the same group

Return type



grouped_spectrum – A new Spectrum1DCollection with one line for each group. Any metadata in ‘line_data’ not common across all spectra in a group will be discarded


Sum y_data over all spectra

Return type



summed_spectrum – A Spectrum1D created from the summed y_data. Any metadata in ‘line_data’ not common across all spectra will be discarded


Select spectra by their keys and values in metadata[‘line_data’]


**select_key_values – Key-value/values pairs in metadata[‘line_data’] describing which spectra to extract. For example, to select all spectra where metadata[‘line_data’][‘species’] = ‘Na’ or ‘Cl’ use spectrum.select(species=[‘Na’, ‘Cl’]). To select ‘Na’ and ‘Cl’ spectra where weighting is also coherent, use spectrum.select(species=[‘Na’, ‘Cl’], weighting=’coherent’)

Return type



selected_spectra – A Spectrum1DCollection containing the selected spectra


ValueError – If no matching spectra are found

count(value)integer return number of occurrences of value
classmethod from_json_file(filename)

Read from a JSON file. See from_dict for required fields


filename (str) – The file to read from

Return type



Get x-axis bin centres. If the size of x_data is the same size as y_data, x_data is assumed to contain bin centres, but if x_data is one element larger, x_data is assumed to contain bin edges and a conversion is made. In this conversion, the bin centres are assumed to be in the middle of each bin, which may not be an accurate assumption in the case of differently sized bins.

Return type



Get x-axis bin edges. If the size of x_data is one element larger than y_data, x_data is assumed to contain bin edges, but if x_data is the same size, x_data is assumed to contain bin centres and a conversion is made. In the conversion, the bin edges will not go outside the existing data bounds so the first and last bins may be half-size. In addition, each bin edge is assumed to be halfway between each bin centre, which may not be an accurate assumption in the case of differently sized bins.

Return type


index(value[, start[, stop]])integer return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

Supporting start and stop arguments is optional, but recommended.

split(indices=None, btol=None)

Split to multiple spectra

Data may be split by index. Alternatively, x-axis data may be split automatically by searching for unusually large gaps in energy values. These would usually correspond to disconnected special-points in a band-structure diagram.

  • indices (Union[Sequence[int], ndarray, None]) – positions in data of breakpoints

  • btol (Optional[float]) – parameter used to identify breakpoints. This is a ratio between the gap in values and the median gap between neighbouring x-values. If neither indices nor btol is specified, this is set to 10.0.

Return type



split_spectra – Separated spectrum regions. If passed to the appropriate functions in euphonic.plot this would be interpreted as a series of subplots.


Write to a JSON file. JSON fields are equivalent to from_dict keys


filename (str) – Name of the JSON file to write to

Return type




A 2D spectrum can be broadened using Spectrum2D.broaden, which broadens along either or both of the x/y-axes and returns a new Spectrum2D object. It can broaden with either a Gaussian or Lorentzian and requires a broadening FWHM in the same type of units as x_data/y_data for broadening along the x/y-axis respectively. For example:

from euphonic import ureg, Spectrum2D

sqw = Spectrum2D.from_json_file('sqw.json')
x_fwhm = 0.05*ureg('1/angstrom')
y_fwhm = 1.5*ureg('meV')
sqw_broaden = sqw.broaden(x_width=x_fwhm, y_width=y_fwhm, shape='lorentz')

Kinematic constraints

Inelastic neutron-scattering (INS) experiments are often performed on time-of-flight (ToF) spectrometers where a wide ToF range yields a wide range of energy transfers which are measured simultaneously. In “direct geometry” the incident energy is fixed (e.g. by a Fermi chopper) while in “indirect geometry” the scattered energy is fixed (e.g. by scattering from an “analyser” crystal). Conservation laws allow the overall energy and momentum transfer to be determined for a given scattering angle and crystal orientation. In powder measurements, the crystal orientation is not needed so the kinematic limits — the accessible \((q, \omega)\) range — determined by the conservation laws are given solely by these instrument parameters.

The function euphonic.spectra.apply_kinematic_constraints applies these limits to a powder-averaged Spectrum2D object with appropriate dimensions (i.e. the x- and y-axes represent \(|q|\) and \(\omega\) respectively). Inaccessible data values are set to NaN; in Matplotlib colour maps this will leave them unset.

Sample values for INS spectrometers



\(E_i\) / meV

\(E_f\) / meV

\(2\theta\) / \({}^\circ\)























76, 112, 150





45, 135

apply_kinematic_constraints(spectrum, e_i=None, e_f=None, angle_range=(0, 180.0))

Set events to NaN which violate energy/momentum limits:

  • Energy transfer greater than e_i

  • q outside region accessible for given e_i and angle range

This requires x_data to be in wavevector units and y_data to be energy.

Either e_i or e_f should be set, according to direct/instrument geometry. The other values will be inferred, interpreting y_data as energy transfer.

  • spectrum (Spectrum2D) – input 2-D spectrum, with |q| x_data and energy y_data

  • e_i (Optional[Quantity]) – incident energy of direct-geometry spectrometer

  • e_f (Optional[Quantity]) – final energy of indirect-geometry spectrometer

  • angle_range (Tuple[float]) – min and max scattering angles (2θ) of detector bank in degrees

Return type



Masked spectrum with inaccessible bins set to NaN in z_data.


class Spectrum2D(x_data, y_data, z_data, x_tick_labels=None, metadata=None)

For storing generic 2D spectra e.g. S(Q,w)

  • x_data – Shape (n_x_data,) or (n_x_data + 1,) float Quantity. The x_data points (if size == (n_x_data,)) or x_data bin edges (if size == (n_x_data + 1,))

  • y_data – Shape (n_y_data,) or (n_y_data + 1,) float Quantity. The y_data bin points (if size == (n_y_data,)) or y_data bin edges (if size == (n_y_data + 1,))

  • z_data – Shape (n_x_data, n_y_data) float Quantity. The plot data in z

  • x_tick_labels – Sequence[Tuple[int, str]] or None. Special tick labels e.g. for high-symmetry points. The int refers to the index in x_data the label should be applied to

  • metadata – Dict[str, Union[int, str]]. Contains metadata about the spectrum. Keys should be strings and values should be strings or integers

__init__(x_data, y_data, z_data, x_tick_labels=None, metadata=None)
  • x_data (Quantity) – Shape (n_x_data,) or (n_x_data + 1,) float Quantity. The x_data points (if size == (n_x_data,)) or x_data bin edges (if size == (n_x_data + 1,))

  • y_data (Quantity) – Shape (n_y_data,) or (n_y_data + 1,) float Quantity. The y_data bin points (if size == (n_y_data,)) or y_data bin edges (if size == (n_y_data + 1,))

  • z_data (Quantity) – Shape (n_x_data, n_y_data) float Quantity. The plot data in z

  • x_tick_labels (Optional[Sequence[Tuple[int, str]]]) – Special tick labels e.g. for high-symmetry points. The int refers to the index in x_data the label should be applied to

  • metadata (Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, str]]]) – Contains metadata about the spectrum. Keys should be strings and values should be strings or integers.

broaden(x_width=None, y_width=None, shape='gauss', method=None)

Broaden z_data and return a new broadened Spectrum2D object

  • x_width (Optional[Quantity]) – Scalar float Quantity. The broadening FWHM in x

  • y_width (Optional[Quantity]) – Scalar float Quantity. The broadening FWHM in y

  • shape (str) – One of {‘gauss’, ‘lorentz’}. The broadening shape

  • method (Optional[str]) – Can be None or ‘convolve’. Currently the only broadening method available is convolution with a broadening kernel, but this may not produce correct results for unequal bin widths. To use convolution anyway, explicitly set method=’convolve’

Return type



broadened_spectrum – A new Spectrum2D object with broadened z_data

  • ValueError – If shape is not one of the allowed strings

  • ValueError – If method is None and bins are not of equal size


Get bin edges for the axis specified by bin_ax. If the size of bin_ax is one element larger than z_data along that axis, bin_ax is assumed to contain bin edges, but if bin_ax is the same size, bin_ax is assumed to contain bin centres and a conversion is made. In the conversion, the bin edges will not go outside the existing data bounds so the first and last bins may be half-size. In addition, each bin edge is assumed to be halfway between each bin centre, which may not be an accurate assumption in the case of differently sized bins.


bin_ax (str) – The axis to get the bin edges for, ‘x’ or ‘y’

Return type



Get bin centres for the axis specified by bin_ax. If the size of bin_ax is the same size as z_data along that axis, bin_ax is assumed to contain bin centres, but if bin_ax is one element larger, bin_ax is assumed to contain bin centres and a conversion is made. In this conversion, the bin centres are assumed to be in the middle of each bin, which may not be an accurate assumption in the case of differently sized bins.


bin_ax (str) – The axis to get the bin centres for, ‘x’ or ‘y’

Return type


classmethod from_json_file(filename)

Read from a JSON file. See from_dict for required fields


filename (str) – The file to read from

Return type


split(indices=None, btol=None)

Split to multiple spectra

Data may be split by index. Alternatively, x-axis data may be split automatically by searching for unusually large gaps in energy values. These would usually correspond to disconnected special-points in a band-structure diagram.

  • indices (Union[Sequence[int], ndarray, None]) – positions in data of breakpoints

  • btol (Optional[float]) – parameter used to identify breakpoints. This is a ratio between the gap in values and the median gap between neighbouring x-values. If neither indices nor btol is specified, this is set to 10.0.

Return type



split_spectra – Separated spectrum regions. If passed to the appropriate functions in euphonic.plot this would be interpreted as a series of subplots.


Convert to a dictionary. See Spectrum2D.from_dict for details on keys/values

Return type

Dict[str, Any]




Write to a JSON file. JSON fields are equivalent to from_dict keys


filename (str) – Name of the JSON file to write to

Return type


classmethod from_dict(d)

Convert a dictionary to a Spectrum2D object


d (dict) –

A dictionary with the following keys/values:

  • ’x_data’: (n_x_data,) or (n_x_data + 1,) float ndarray

  • ’x_data_unit’: str

  • ’y_data’: (n_y_data,) or (n_y_data + 1,) float ndarray

  • ’y_data_unit’: str

  • ’z_data’: (n_x_data, n_y_data) float Quantity

  • ’z_data_unit’: str

There are also the following optional keys:

  • ’x_tick_labels’: list of (int, string) tuples

  • ’metadata’: dict

Return type


