
Plotting in Euphonic is contained in a separate euphonic.plot module, and most plotting functions return a matplotlib.figure.Figure, which can be tweaked, then viewed with

Plotting Dispersion

Phonon dispersion can be plotted from any Euphonic object that contains q-points and frequencies. For example, from QpointPhononModes using QpointPhononModes.get_dispersion to convert the frequencies into a Spectrum1DCollection object, which is plotted with euphonic.plot.plot_1d(). Converting to Spectrum1DCollection creates a defined x-axis for the plot. Extra arguments get passed to plot_1d, for adding axis labels etc.:

from euphonic import QpointPhononModes
from euphonic.plot import plot_1d

phonons = QpointPhononModes.from_castep('quartz.phonon')
bands = phonons.get_dispersion()  # type: Spectrum1DCollection

fig = plot_1d(bands, y_label='Energy (meV)')

Phonon dispersion plots often include large steps between discontinuous regions in reciprocal space. In order to accommodate this, a single Spectrum1D or Spectrum1DCollection can be split into a list of spectra with the euphonic.spectra.Spectrum1D.split() method. plot_1d will happily accept this list as input, plotting each region to a series of proportionally-spaced subplots.

A compact recipe to write a band-structure plot with discontinuities could be

from euphonic import QpointFrequencies
from euphonic.plot import plot_1d

phonon_frequencies = QpointFrequencies.from_castep('quartz.phonon')

fig = plot_1d(phonon_frequencies.get_dispersion().split())

1D Plots

1D spectra are arranged in a matplotlib Figure with euphonic.plot.plot_1d(). For multiple lines on the same axes, use Spectrum1DCollection objects. A sequence of Spectrum1D or Spectrum1DCollection objects will be interpreted as a series of axis regions:

from euphonic import Spectrum1D, Spectrum1DCollection
from euphonic.plot import plot_1d

dos = Spectrum1D.from_json_file('dos.json')
dos_broaden = Spectrum1D.from_json_file('dos_broaden.json')

dos_collection = Spectrum1DCollection.from_spectra([dos, dos_broaden])

fig = plot_1d(dos_collection, x_label='Energy (meV)', y_min=0,
              labels=['Density of states', 'Broadened'])

Plotting to a specific axis

This can be used to have multiple subplots in the same figure, or to plot multiple Spectrum1D objects on the same axis (for example if they have different x_data values, so using a Spectrum1DCollection is not possible). An example of plotting 2 DOS with different energy bins on the same axis:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from euphonic import Spectrum1D
from euphonic.plot import plot_1d, plot_1d_to_axis

dos1 = Spectrum1D.from_json_file('dos_ebins1.json')
dos2 = Spectrum1D.from_json_file('dos_ebins2.json')

fig = plot_1d(dos1)
ax = fig.get_axes()[0]
plot_1d_to_axis(dos2, ax)

An example of plotting 2 DOS on different axes on the same figure:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from euphonic import Spectrum1D
from euphonic.plot import plot_1d_to_axis

dos1 = Spectrum1D.from_json_file('dos_ebins1.json')
dos2 = Spectrum1D.from_json_file('dos_ebins2.json')
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
plot_1d_to_axis(dos1, axes[0])
plot_1d_to_axis(dos2, axes[1])


plot_1d(spectra, title='', xlabel='', ylabel='', ymin=None, ymax=None, labels=None, x_label='', y_label='', y_min=None, y_max=None, **line_kwargs)

Creates a Matplotlib figure for a Spectrum1D object, or multiple Spectrum1D objects to be plotted on the same axes

  • spectra (Union[Spectrum1D, Spectrum1DCollection, Sequence[Spectrum1D], Sequence[Spectrum1DCollection]]) –

    1D data to plot. Spectrum1D objects contain a single line, while Spectrum1DCollection is suitable for plotting multiple lines simultaneously (e.g. band structures).

    Data split across several regions should be provided as a sequence of spectrum objects:

    [Spectrum1D, Spectrum1D, ...]


    [Spectrum1DCollection, Spectrum1DCollection, ...]

    Where each segment will be plotted on a separate subplot. (This approach is mainly used to handle discontinuities in Brillouin-zone band structures, so the subplot widths will be based on the x-axis ranges.)

  • title (str) – Plot title

  • xlabel (str) – X-axis label

  • ylabel (str) – Y-axis label

  • ymin (Optional[float]) – Minimum value on the y-axis. Can be useful to set y-axis minimum to 0 for energy, for example.

  • ymax (Optional[float]) – Maximum value on the y-axis.

  • labels (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – A sequence of labels corresponding to the sequence of lines in spectra, used to label each line. If this is None, the label(s) contained in spectra.metadata[‘label’] (Spectrum1D) or spectra.metadata[‘line_data’][i][‘label’] (Spectrum1DCollection) will be used. To disable labelling for a specific line, pass an empty string.

  • x_label (str) –

    Deprecated since version 0.6.3: Please use xlabel instead

  • y_label (str) –

    Deprecated since version 0.6.3: Please use ylabel instead

  • y_min (Optional[float]) –

    Deprecated since version 0.6.3: Please use ymin instead

  • y_max (Optional[float]) –

    Deprecated since version 0.6.3: Please use ymax instead

  • **line_kwargs – matplotlib.line.Line2D properties, optional Used in the axes.plot command to specify properties like linewidth, linestyle

Return type



fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure)

plot_1d_to_axis(spectra, ax, labels=None, **mplargs)

Plot a (collection of) 1D spectrum lines to matplotlib axis

Where there are two identical x-values in a row, plotting will restart to avoid creating a vertical line

  • spectra (Union[Spectrum1D, Spectrum1DCollection]) – Spectrum1D or Spectrum1DCollection to plot

  • ax (Axes) – Matplotlib axes to which spectra will be drawn

  • labels (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – A sequence of labels corresponding to the sequence of lines in spectra, used to label each line. If this is None, the label(s) contained in spectra.metadata[‘label’] (Spectrum1D) or spectra.metadata[‘line_data’][i][‘label’] (Spectrum1DCollection) will be used. To disable labelling for a specific line, pass an empty string.

  • **mplargs – Keyword arguments passed to Axes.plot

Return type


2D Plots

2D spectra are arranged in a matplotlib Figure with euphonic.plot.plot_2d():

from euphonic import Spectrum2D
from euphonic.plot import plot_2d

sqw = Spectrum2D.from_json_file('sqw.json')
fig, ims = plot_2d(sqw, ratio=1.0)

Plotting to a specific axis

This can be used to multiple subplots showing Spectrum2D in the same figure. A matplotlib.colors.Normalize object can also be used to ensure both spectra are on the same colour scale. An example of this for 2 S(Q,w) is below:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from euphonic import Spectrum2D
from euphonic.plot import plot_2d_to_axis

sqw1 = Spectrum2D.from_json_file('sqw1.json')
sqw2 = Spectrum2D.from_json_file('sqw2.json')
norm = Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=1e-10)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
plot_2d_to_axis(sqw1, axes[0], norm=norm)
plot_2d_to_axis(sqw2, axes[1], norm=norm)


plot_2d(spectra, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, title='', xlabel='', ylabel='', x_label='', y_label='')

Creates a Matplotlib figure for a Spectrum2D object

  • spectra (Union[Spectrum2D, Sequence[Spectrum2D]]) – Containing the 2D data to plot. If a sequence of Spectrum2D is given, they will be plotted from right-to-left as separate subplots. This is recommended for band structure/dispersion plots with discontinuous regions.

  • vmin (Optional[float]) – Minimum of data range for colormap. See Matplotlib imshow docs

  • vmax (Optional[float]) – Maximum of data range for colormap. See Matplotlib imshow docs

  • cmap (Union[str, Colormap, None]) – Which colormap to use, see Matplotlib docs

  • title (str) – Set a title for the Figure.

  • xlabel (str) – X-axis label

  • ylabel (str) – Y-axis label

  • x_label (str) –

    Deprecated since version 0.6.3: Please use xlabel instead

  • y_label (str) –

    Deprecated since version 0.6.3: Please use ylabel instead

Return type



fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure) – The Figure instance

plot_2d_to_axis(spectrum, ax, cmap=None, interpolation='nearest', norm=None)

Plot Spectrum2D object to Axes

  • spectrum (Spectrum2D) – 2D data object for plotting as NonUniformImage. The x_tick_labels attribute will be used to mark labelled points.

  • ax (Axes) – Matplotlib axes to which image will be drawn

  • cmap (Union[str, Colormap, None]) – Matplotlib colormap or registered colormap name

  • interpolation (str) – Interpolation method: ‘nearest’ or ‘bilinear’ for a pixellated or smooth result

  • norm (Optional[Normalize]) – Matplotlib normalization object; set this in order to ensure separate plots are on the same colour scale.

Return type



To produce consistent and beautiful plots, it is recommended to use Matplotlib style sheets. The cleanest way to apply this is using a context manager. Within the indented block, a user-provided combination of style sheets is applied to any new plots. These can be built-in themes, file paths or parameter dictionaries, e.g.:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from euphonic import Spectrum1D
from euphonic.plot import plot_1d, plot_1d_to_axis

dos = Spectrum1D.from_json_file('dos.json')

with['dark_background', {'lines.linewidth': 2.0}]):
    fig = plot_1d(dos)

This approach is used in the Euphonic command-line tools; for more information see Customising plots. The CLI defaults can be imitated by using the same style sheet