
The QpointPhononModes object contains precalculated phonon frequencies and eigenvectors at certain q-points.

Reading From CASTEP

Phonon frequencies and eigenvectors can be read from a .phonon file using QpointPhononModes.from_castep.

from euphonic import QpointPhononModes

filename = 'quartz.phonon'
phonons = QpointPhononModes.from_castep(filename)

Reading From Phonopy

Phonopy should be run with the --eigvecs flag, or EIGENVECTORS = .TRUE. to enable creation of a Euphonic QpointPhononModes object.

Using QpointPhononModes.from_phonopy Euphonic can read frequencies and eigenvectors from Phonopy files with the following default names:

  • mesh.yaml/mesh.hdf5

  • qpoints.yaml/qpoints.hdf5

  • bands.yaml/bands.hdf5

The file to be read can be specified with the phonon_name argument. Some of these files do not include the crystal information, so it must be read from a phonopy.yaml file, which can be specified with the summary_name argument. A path can also be specified.

from euphonic import QpointPhononModes

phonons = QpointPhononModes.from_phonopy(path='NaCl', phonon_name='mesh.hdf5')

Reordering frequencies

The stored frequencies can be reordered by comparing eigenvectors using QpointPhononModes.reorder_frequencies. This reordering can be seen the plotting dispersion (see Plotting)

from euphonic import QpointPhononModes

phonons = QpointPhononModes.from_castep('quartz.phonon')

Calculating The Coherent Neutron Structure Factor

The neutron structure factor can be calculated for each branch and q-point using the QpointPhononModes.calculate_structure_factor method, which returns a StructureFactor object. (See the docstring for algorithm details.)

Scattering lengths

The coherent scattering length is a physical property of the nucleus. To provide this data explicitly, the scattering_lengths argument can be set as a dictionary mapping each atom identity to a pint.Quantity (see Units for details).

Alternatively, this argument may be a string referring to a data file with the coherent_scattering_length property. (See Reference Data for details.) By default, QpointPhononModes.calculate_structure_factor will use the "Sears1992" data set included in Euphonic. If you have a custom data file, this can be used instead.

Debye-Waller factor

Inclusion of the Debye-Waller factor is optional, and can be provided in the dw keyword argument, see Calculating The Debye-Waller Exponent.


The following example shows a full calculation from the force constants to the structure factor with Debye-Waller:

import seekpath
import numpy as np
from euphonic import ureg, QpointPhononModes, ForceConstants
from euphonic.util import mp_grid

# Read the force constants
fc = ForceConstants.from_castep('quartz.castep_bin')

# Generate a recommended q-point path to calculate the structure factor on
# using seekpath
cell = crystal.to_spglib_cell()
qpts = seekpath.get_explicit_k_path(cell)["explicit_kpoints_rel"]
# Calculate frequencies/eigenvectors for the q-point path
phonons = fc.calculate_qpoint_phonon_modes(qpts, asr='reciprocal')

# For the Debye-Waller calculation, generate and calculate
# frequencies/eigenvectors on a grid (generate a Monkhorst-Pack grid of
# q-points using the mp-grid helper function)
q_grid = mp_grid([5,5,5])
phonons_grid = fc.calculate_qpoint_phonon_modes(q_grid, asr='reciprocal')
# Now calculate the Debye-Waller exponent
temperature = 5*ureg('K')
dw = phonons_grid.calculate_debye_waller(temperature)

# Calculate the structure factor for each q-point in phonons. A
# StructureFactor object is returned
fm = ureg('fm')
scattering_lengths = {'Si': 4.1491*fm, 'O': 5.803*fm}
sf = phonons.calculate_structure_factor(scattering_lengths, dw=dw)

Calculating The Debye-Waller Exponent

The Debye-Waller factor is an optional part of the structure factor calculation. The exponent part of the Debye-Waller factor is independent of Q and should be precalculated using QpointPhononModes.calculate_debye_waller (see the docstring for algorithm details). This requires a QpointPhononModes object calculated on a grid of q-points and a temperature, and returns a DebyeWaller object. The Debye-Waller exponent can be calculated by:

from euphonic import ureg, QpointPhononModes

phonons = QpointPhononModes.from_castep('quartz-grid.phonon')
temperature = 5*ureg('K')
dw = phonons.calculate_debye_waller(temperature)

Calculating Partial and Neutron-Weighted Density of States

Partial and neutron-weighted density of states can be calculated using QpointPhononModes.calculate_pdos. Like DOS, this requires an array of energy bin edges in energy units. This returns a Spectrum1DCollection object, containing the atom-resolved partial density of states. If weighting is supplied, or the cross_sections are specified (this can be done in the same way as the scattering lengths) the neutron-weighted partial density of states is returned. This is also resolved per-atom, and units are area/energy per atom of sample.

The Spectrum1DCollection.metadata attribute labels each PDOS spectrum by species and index, and Spectrum1DCollection methods can be used to obtain per-species or total PDOS. For example, to produce both total and species-resolved coherent neutron-weighted PDOS:

from euphonic import ureg, QpointPhononModes

phonons = QpointPhononModes.from_castep('quartz-grid.phonon')

ebins = np.arange(0, 165, 0.1)*ureg('meV')
pdos = phonons.calculate_pdos(ebins, weighting='coherent')  # atom resolved pdos

species_pdos = pdos.group_by('species')  # species resolved pdos
total_dos = pdos.sum()  # total dos

PDOS can also be adaptively broadened in the same way as DOS.


class QpointPhononModes(crystal, qpts, frequencies, eigenvectors, weights=None)

A class to read and store vibrational data from model (e.g. CASTEP) output files

  • crystal – Lattice and atom information

  • n_qpts – Number of q-points in the object

  • qpts – Shape (n_qpts, 3) float ndarray. Q-point coordinates, in fractional coordinates of the reciprocal lattice

  • weights – Shape (n_qpts,) float ndarray. The weight for each q-point

  • frequencies – Shape (n_qpts, 3*crystal.n_atoms) float Quantity. Phonon frequencies per q-point and mode

  • eigenvectors – Shape (n_qpts, 3*crystal.n_atoms, crystal.n_atoms, 3) complex ndarray. The dynamical matrix eigenvectors

__init__(crystal, qpts, frequencies, eigenvectors, weights=None)
  • crystal (Crystal) – Lattice and atom information

  • qpts (ndarray) – Shape (n_qpts, 3) float ndarray. The Q-point coordinates

  • frequencies (Quantity) – Shape (n_qpts, 3*crystal.n_atoms) float Quantity. Phonon frequencies per q-point and mode

  • eigenvectors (ndarray) – Shape (n_qpts, 3*crystal.n_atoms, crystal.n_atoms, 3) complex ndarray. The dynamical matrix eigenvectors

  • weights (Optional[ndarray]) – Shape (n_qpts,) float ndarray. The weight for each q-point. If None, equal weights are assumed


By doing a dot product of eigenvectors at adjacent q-points, determines which modes are most similar and reorders the frequencies at each q-point


reorder_gamma (bool) – Whether to reorder frequencies at gamma-equivalent points. If an analytical correction has been applied at the gamma points (i.e LO-TO splitting) mode assignments can be incorrect at adjacent q-points where the correction hasn’t been applied. So you might not want to reorder at gamma for some materials

Return type


calculate_structure_factor(scattering_lengths='Sears1992', dw=None)

Calculate the one phonon inelastic scattering for neutrons at each q-point

  • scattering_lengths (Union[str, Dict[str, Quantity]]) –

    Dataset of coherent scattering length for each element in the structure. This may be provided in 3 ways:

    • A string naming an appropriate data collection packaged with Euphonic (including the default value ‘Sears1992’). This will be passed to the collection argument of euphonic.util.get_reference_data().

    • A string filename for a user’s customised data file in the same format as those packaged with Euphonic.

    • An explicit dictionary of float Quantity, giving spin- and isotope-averaged coherent scattering length for each element in the structure, e.g.:

      {'O': 5.803*ureg('fm'), 'Zn': 5.680*ureg('fm')}

  • dw (Optional[DebyeWaller]) – Data for thermal motion effects. Typically this is computed over a converged Monkhort-Pack grid, which need not correspond to the q-points of this QpointPhononModes object.

Return type



sf – An object containing the structure factor for each q-point and phonon mode


This method calculates the mode-resolved (not binned in energy) one-phonon neutron scattering function \(S(Q, \omega_{q\nu})\) per atom, as defined in 1. Note that internally Euphonic uses atomic units so \(\hbar\) has been omitted from the formulation:

\[S(Q, \omega_{q\nu}) = \frac{1}{2N_{atom}} \ \left\lvert \ \sum\limits_\kappa\frac{b_\kappa}{M_{\kappa}^{1/2}\omega_{q\nu}^{1/2}} \ [Q\cdot\epsilon_{q\nu\kappa\alpha}]e^{iQ{\cdot}r_\kappa}e^{-W} \ \right\rvert^2\]

Where \(\nu\) runs over phonon modes, \(\kappa\) runs over atoms, \(\alpha\) runs over the Cartesian directions, \(b_\kappa\) is the coherent neutron scattering length, \(M_{\kappa}\) is the atom mass, \(r_{\kappa}\) is the vector to atom \(\kappa\) in the unit cell, \(\epsilon_{q\nu\kappa\alpha}\) are the eigevectors, \(\omega_{q\nu}\) are the frequencies and \(e^{-W}\) is the Debye-Waller factor. \(N_{atom}\) is the number of atoms in the unit cell, so the returned structure factor is per atom of sample.


M.T. Dove, Structure and Dynamics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003, 225-226

calculate_debye_waller(temperature, frequency_min=<Quantity(0.01, 'millielectron_volt')>, symmetrise=True)

Calculate the 3 x 3 Debye-Waller exponent for each atom over the q-points contained in this object

  • temperature (Quantity) – Scalar float Quantity. The temperature to use in the Debye-Waller calculation

  • frequency_min (Quantity) – Scalar float Quantity in energy units. Excludes frequencies below this limit from the calculation, as the calculation contains a 1/frequency factor which would result in infinite values. This also allows negative frequencies to be excluded

  • symmetrise (bool) – Whether to symmetrise the Debye-Waller factor based on the crystal symmetry operations. Note that if the Debye-Waller exponent is not symmetrised, the results may not be the same for unfolded and symmetry-reduced q-point grids

Return type



dw – An object containing the 3x3 Debye-Waller exponent for each atom


As part of the structure factor calculation, the anisotropic Debye-Waller factor is defined as:

\[e^{-W} = e^{-\sum\limits_{\alpha\beta}{W^{\kappa}_{\alpha\beta}Q_{\alpha}Q_{\beta}}}\]

The Debye-Waller exponent is defined as \(W^{\kappa}_{\alpha\beta}\) and is independent of Q, so for efficiency can be precalculated to be used in the structure factor calculation. The Debye-Waller exponent is calculated by 2. Note that internally Euphonic uses atomic units so \(\hbar\) has been omitted from the formulation:

\[W^{\kappa}_{\alpha\beta} = \frac{1}{4M_{\kappa}\sum\limits_{q}{weight_q}} \sum\limits_{q\nu}weight_q\frac{\epsilon_{q\nu\kappa\alpha}\epsilon^{*}_{q\nu\kappa\beta}} {\omega_{q\nu}} coth(\frac{\omega_{q\nu}}{2k_BT})\]

Where \(\nu\) runs over phonon modes, \(\kappa\) runs over atoms, \(\alpha,\beta\) run over the Cartesian directions, \(M_{\kappa}\) is the atom mass, \(\epsilon_{q\nu\kappa\alpha}\) are the eigenvectors, \(\omega_{q\nu}\) are the frequencies, and \(weight_q\) is the per q-point weight. The q-points should be distributed over the 1st Brillouin Zone.


G.L. Squires, Introduction to the Theory of Thermal Neutron Scattering, Dover Publications, New York, 1996, 34-37

calculate_pdos(dos_bins, mode_widths=None, mode_widths_min=<Quantity(0.01, 'millielectron_volt')>, adaptive_method='reference', adaptive_error=0.01, weighting=None, cross_sections='BlueBook')

Calculates partial density of states for each atom in the unit cell.

  • dos_bins (Quantity) – Shape (n_e_bins + 1,) float Quantity. The energy bin edges to use for calculating the DOS.

  • mode_widths (Optional[Quantity]) – Shape (n_qpts, n_branches) float Quantity in energy units. The broadening width for each mode at each q-point, for adaptive broadening.

  • mode_widths_min (Quantity) – Scalar float Quantity in energy units. Sets a lower limit on the mode widths, as mode widths of zero will result in infinitely sharp peaks.

  • adaptive_method (Optional[str]) – String. Specifies whether to use slow, reference adaptive method or faster, approximate method. Allowed options are ‘reference’ or ‘fast’, default is ‘reference’.

  • adaptive_error (Optional[float]) – Scalar float. Acceptable error for gaussian approximations when using the fast adaptive method, defined as the absolute difference between the areas of the true and approximate gaussians

  • weighting (Optional[str]) – One of {‘coherent’, ‘incoherent’, ‘coherent-plus-incoherent’}. If provided, produces a neutron-weighted DOS, weighted by either the coherent, incoherent, or sum of coherent and incoherent neutron scattering cross-sections.

  • cross_sections (Union[str, Dict[str, Quantity]]) –

    A dataset of cross-sections for each element in the structure, it can be a string specifying a dataset, or a dictionary explicitly giving the cross-sections for each element.

    If cross_sections is a string, it is passed to the collection argument of euphonic.util.get_reference_data(). This collection must contain the ‘coherent_cross_section’ or ‘incoherent_cross_section’ physical property, depending on the weighting argument. If weighting is None, this string argument is not used.

    If cross sections is a dictionary, the weighting argument is ignored, and these cross-sections are used directly to calculate the neutron-weighted DOS. It must contain a key for each element in the structure, and each value must be a Quantity in the appropriate units, e.g:

    {'La': 8.0*ureg('barn'), 'Zr': 9.5*ureg('barn')}

Return type



dos – A collection of spectra, with the energy bins on the x-axis and PDOS for each atom in the unit cell on the y-axis. If weighting is None, the y-axis is in 1/energy units. If weighting is specified or cross_sections are supplied, the y-axis is in area/energy units per average atom.


Convert to a dictionary. See QpointPhononModes.from_dict for details on keys/values

Return type

Dict[str, Any]


Create a QpointFrequencies object

Return type


classmethod from_dict(d)

Convert a dictionary to a QpointPhononModes object


d (dict) –

A dictionary with the following keys/values:

  • ’crystal’: dict, see Crystal.from_dict

  • ’qpts’: (n_qpts, 3) float ndarray

  • ’frequencies’: (n_qpts, 3*crystal.n_atoms) float ndarray

  • ’frequencies_unit’: str

  • ’eigenvectors’: (n_qpts, 3*crystal.n_atoms, crystal.n_atoms, 3) complex ndarray

There are also the following optional keys:

  • ’weights’: (n_qpts,) float ndarray

Return type


classmethod from_json_file(filename)

Read from a JSON file. See QpointPhononModes.from_dict for required fields


filename (str) – The file to read from

Return type


classmethod from_castep(filename)

Reads precalculated phonon mode data from a CASTEP .phonon file


filename (str) – The path and name of the .phonon file to read

Return type


classmethod from_phonopy(path='.', phonon_name='band.yaml', phonon_format=None, summary_name='phonopy.yaml')

Reads precalculated phonon mode data from a Phonopy mesh/band/qpoints.yaml/hdf5 file. May also read from phonopy.yaml for structure information.

  • path (str) – Path to directory containing the file(s)

  • phonon_name (str) – Name of Phonopy file including the frequencies

  • phonon_format (Optional[str]) – Format of the phonon_name file if it isn’t obvious from the phonon_name extension, one of {‘yaml’, ‘hdf5’}

  • summary_name (str) – Name of Phonopy summary file to read the crystal information from. Crystal information in the phonon_name file takes priority, but if it isn’t present, crystal information is read from summary_name instead

Return type


calculate_dos(dos_bins, mode_widths=None, mode_widths_min=<Quantity(0.01, 'millielectron_volt')>, adaptive_method='reference', adaptive_error=0.01)

Calculates a density of states

  • dos_bins (Quantity) – Shape (n_e_bins + 1,) float Quantity in energy units. The energy bin edges to use for calculating the DOS

  • mode_widths (Optional[Quantity]) – Shape (n_qpts, n_branches) float Quantity in energy units. The broadening width for each mode at each q-point, for adaptive broadening

  • mode_widths_min (Quantity) – Scalar float Quantity in energy units. Sets a lower limit on the mode widths, as mode widths of zero will result in infinitely sharp peaks

  • adaptive_method (str) – String. Specifies whether to use slow, reference adaptive method or faster, approximate method. Allowed options are ‘reference’ or ‘fast’, default is ‘reference’.

  • adaptive_error (float) – Scalar float. Acceptable error for gaussian approximations when using the fast adaptive method, defined as the absolute difference between the areas of the true and approximate gaussians

Return type



dos – A spectrum containing the energy bins on the x-axis and dos on the y-axis


The fast adaptive broadening method reduces computation time by reducing the number of Gaussian functions that have to be evaluated. Broadening kernels are only evaulated for a subset of mode width values with intermediate values approximated using interpolation.

The adaptive_error keyword argument is used to determine how many broadening kernels are computed exactly. The more exact kernels are used, the more accurate the Gaussian approximations will be, but computation time will also be increased.

calculate_dos_map(dos_bins, mode_widths=None, mode_widths_min=<Quantity(0.01, 'millielectron_volt')>)

Produces a bandstructure-like plot, using the DOS at each q-point

  • dos_bins (Quantity) – Shape (n_e_bins + 1,) float Quantity in energy units. The energy bin edges to use for calculating the DOS

  • mode_widths (Optional[Quantity]) – Shape (n_qpts, n_branches) float Quantity in energy units. The broadening width for each mode at each q-point, for adaptive broadening

  • mode_widths_min (Quantity) – Scalar float Quantity in energy units. Sets a lower limit on the mode widths, as mode widths of zero will result in infinitely sharp peaks

Return type



dos_map – A 2D spectrum containing the q-point bins on the x-axis, energy bins on the y-axis and DOS on the z-axis


Creates a set of 1-D bands from mode data

Bands follow the same q-point order as in the qpts array, with x-axis spacing corresponding to the absolute distances between q-points. Discontinuities will appear as large jumps on the x-axis.

Return type



dispersion – A sequence of mode bands with a common x-axis


Write to a JSON file. JSON fields are equivalent to from_dict keys


filename (str) – Name of the JSON file to write to

Return type
